Sunday, March 22, 2009
Run Out and BUY This Thing!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
More Views from My Window
Monday, March 9, 2009
a traveling house...
As a summary, here are some of the views we have had so far...
The view out our bedroom window (at the back of the RV), looking at the ever changing sights of the Clear Creek in Golden, CO.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Scrambling...fear? or fun?
Okay, I'm as happy as anyone in my family when there is freedom to fool around on the rocks at a park. After being frustrated at Garden of the Gods, CO when no one was allowed within touching distance of most of the walls, Jakob was quite pleased at Arches National Park to find out scrambling is allowed, as long as you can get to the rocks via either slick-rock or sand (not the crypto-biotic ground covering that takes hundreds of years to form but has covered much of the park).
It seems to me that Jakob still has a healthy respect for the dangers of climbing while still being interested in trying out his skills. He had fun challenging himself on a variety of ledges and vertical cracks, while staying relatively close to the ground.
My HUSBAND, on the other hand, scares me silly at times! I know, I know, so far he has not gotten stuck nor is nerve-wracking (for ME, not him) just the same! (In these photos, he was trying to get up into the base of the arch, towering far above us. He finally quit---deciding that while he could probably get UP there, he was less certain about getting safely DOWN.)
I'm trying REALLY HARD to follow the advice given to me years ago by a friend who had 4 active boys. She trusted her husband to make wise decisions about acceptable risk in various activities, then stayed out of the way if those activities made her nervous. That's all well and good when it's risk-taking SONS...but she never told me what to do when I'm afraid of the possible damage that might befall my husband!
So...I try not to watch, try not to talk about my fears TOO much in front of the kids (I want them to enjoy being adventuresome, after all!) , and sneak occasional pictures!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Glenwood Hot Springs
The total length of the "therapy pool" (104 degrees) and the leisure pool (93 degrees) is 529 FEET!! In other words, the pool you see near the parking lot and the pool you see at the other end of the reeaaallllyyy long building...are all the SAME pool! (to get a better idea of is 100 feet wide!) We all enjoyed a long evening there...Jakob found a similar aged boy to dive with and kid around with (and both stayed in their comfort zones by not bothering with actual names but just calling each other "dude" all evening!), Anna found a number of "friends" and I found two different moms to get acquainted with. Randy wandered off on his own, dove with Jakob, swam with Anna, and gave me a little time as well. His "gimpy" arm is now achy---hot mineral water felt good, but all the diving and swimming apparently exercised it a bit too much!
The story of how we found this place is kind of humorous: friends from Cleveland spent Christmas in Colorado and spent some time here in Glenwood Springs. They told Randy how much they enjoyed this place. Before we left Golden, we had asked a number of new friends from Denver area if there was anywhere in particular we should stop as we travelled toward Utah. No one had any ideas. But later, when we told them we were planning to stop at the Glenwood Hot Springs, everyone agreed that was a WONDERFUL place to go! (Good thing our OHIO friends told us about it!)
Travel Day
Here's a short email I sent a friend (in frustration) right before I shut down my laptop and packed it up to travel earlier today:
"Awwkkkkk! I'm having problems sticking to any given task right now. There
is chaos all around as we try to get all the last stuff stowed so we can drive
our house down the road---who ever came up with this idea of a MOVING house
anyways??!! (Don't worry---we are making good progress...and so far all are in
good temper.) I thought about calling you this morning...but that would be a HUGE distraction from moving out!"
I would like to think all my list-making actually helped in the packing-up-and-moving-out process. Or I would like to excuse my distractibility by stating that I was sick the day before. But I suspect the truth is...I was just temporarily brainless!!
Oh well, my family put up with me (and even laughed a little) and we finally got packed up and pulled out somewhere within time frame we were hoping for so I guess no harm was done!
(Here we are, pulling out of Golden Colorado...with the butte, symbol of Golden, in the background.)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
We must say goodbye to family we have gotten to know better over the past few month. It has been a privilege to spend so much time with Randy's brother and sister-in-law and with my aunt. We will miss having such regular contact with them! We have said hello and goodbye to some of my relatives that I have really never known before. And I have enjoyed time spent with a new friend/"family member" I've gotten to know in Boulder.
We must say goodbye to new friends at the Arvada Vineyard--many of whom have opened their hearts to us, have listened to us, shared with us, prayed with us, and laughed and cried with us. We will miss spending time together in worship, socializing, and in marriage communication class. (And Jakob and Anna will miss playing with their new friends.) Keep in touch while we wander down the road!
We must say goodbye to fun swimming and bouldering at the Golden Community Center and we must say goodbye to the Golden Library---just a short walk down the pathway along the creek (meaning the librarians saw us every few days--and, yes, the Jefferson County Library System DOES have a limit on number of books that can be checked out at one time!!)
Finally, we must say goodbye to some of the stuff we have accumulated in the months we have been settled here. There are clothes that have been outgrown (or stained or ripped). There are books that have bred on our shelves (I SWEAR that must be how they accumulate so quickly!!) that need new homes. (Randy has decided that unlike Lucille Ball in the old trailer movie who collected rocks everywhere she and Desi went, my "rocks" which will overwhelm our weight restrictions are actually BOOKS.)
Then it will be on to the final details of re-packing this home so we can safely move down the road without our possessions ending up strewn all over the place and/or shattered with travel over bumpy roads. (pictures off the walls, drawer units stashed on our bed so the bed can slide-in under the wardrobe, pillows stuffed into kids' hidey-hole toy storage, and more...)
Why, again, did we decide to travel? Oh, yeah, the adventure, the new places to see and experience, the new friends we will make, pursuing dreams, healing from wounds...I guess there are good reasons for what we are doing. It just doesn't feel that way when it's