Thursday, April 23, 2009

Water WOES...


You know, this hooking-up-to-a-spigot-so-you-have-running-water thing may be overrated. It's only been 4 months and look what we've faced so far:
  • Your hose to the RV freezes...(wrap the line with heater tape and try again).
  • Your RV water lines--enclosed under the trailer thus unreachable--freeze...(build an insulation wall under the RV and move the space heater in there to thaw everything out).
  • Their water hook-ups freeze...(build a little shelter out of insulation and insert a heater to thaw their pipes).
  • Their water hook-ups are way too far back (what WERE they thinking?!) for your hose to reach...(find a store and buy a longer hose).
  • Some kid runs through and bumps over the water spigot causing a 15 foot high FOUNTAIN from the broken line...(run get the campground manager, then, whew!, be thankful it was your NEIGHBOR's water line that was affected and be thankful it was NOT your kid that did it!) (That fountain sure was pretty while it lasted!!)
  • Your truck bumps one of the multiple spigots while maneuvering into a pull-through site---causing a slow FLOOD to occur...(sheepishly go get management to turn off the water...we dry-dock tonight!)
  • The water connection port on your RV slowly bends more and more til it breaks leaving water slowly leaking down...oops! another wet spot inside...(unscrew and pull the connection port to the OUTSIDE of the least the leak then runs down the siding rather than into the walls)
  • Park too far forward from the hook-ups, find your hose doesn't reach with the slide-out extended, decide to fill the fresh water tank and use the pump for water, start to fill the tank and, OVERFLOW, you forgot to empty the tank last time...(meaning you pulled an extra 500 pounds through the mountains, DEEP sigh...)
See what I mean? Is this running water thing REALLY worth all the hassle? Well, when it works RIGHT, it surely is...

The real question is...are you a plumber?!

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