Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What is NORMAL?

It is quite obvious that we spent entirely too long in the deserts of Arizona! As midwesterners we would drive over bridges that spanned huge riverbeds of...SAND! We would marvel at how absolutely dry land could be called a "river." Yes, we could see the ripple marks of water flowing in the past...but no moisture visible when WE saw it. It was all a bit surreal to us.

Then, we crossed into New Mexico. Eventually, we crossed a bridge over a river and, of course, there was...water??!!! WOW! The kids and I all laughed that there was actually a thin little stream of WATER flowing down the mostly dry creek beds! It was absolutely AMAZING!!

By the time we got to Santa Fe, we were also excited about all the GREEN on the mountains! It wasn't just dry, rocky, sandy, desolate land! was AMAZING!

What's funny to me in looking back at it is that it took such a short time for our eyes to find dry, desert, arizona landscape to be "normal."

Ahh well, we are now enjoying the GRASS in Colorado. So I guess we still have some adjusting to do before we truly get back to "normal."

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